Markerting Mix adalah strategi pemasaran yang dilaksanakan secara terpadu atau secara bersamaan, digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk mengejar target penjualan yang diinginkan. Dalam Marketing Mix biasanya menggunakan 4P dan 7P, akan tetapi 4P lebih cenderung ke arah product sedangkan 7P lebih ke arah Service ( Hospitality industri ).
Apa itu unsur 7P?
- Product ( Produk )
- Price ( Harga )
- Promotion ( Promosi )
- Place ( Tempat )
- Partisipant ( Orang )
- Process ( Proses )
- Physical Evidence ( Bukti Fisik )
Product merupakan segala bentuk yang ditawarkan untuk digunakan atau dikonsumsi sehingga memenuhi kebutuhan serta keinginan pasar. Product sendiri merupakan satu tahapan paling awal sebelum kita menentukan beberapa unsur P lainnya.
Product dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu:
- GOODS ( Tangible )
- SERVICE ( Intangible ).
Hasil dari kegiatan produksi perusahaan dapat dijual oleh perusahaan lainnya atau produk yang serupa dapat dibeli oleh perusahaan untuk kemudian dijual kembali kepada konsumen atau customer.
Product dalam hospitality
- Tangiable: Akomodasi (hotel, motel, vila), transportasi (pesawat, bus, kereta api) dan food(restoran)
- Intangible: Objek wisata atau atraksi
- Tangiable: Akomodasi (hotel, motel, vila), transportasi (pesawat, bus, kereta api) dan food(restoran)
- Intangible: Objek wisata atau atraksi
Product Levels
1. Core Product
What the buyer is really buying
Every product is a package of problem-solving services
2. Facilitating Product
Goods or services that must be present for the guest yo use the core product
3. Supporting Product
Extra product offered to add value to the core product and help to differentiate it from the
4. Argument Product
Includes accessebility, atmosphere, customer interaction with the service organization, customer paarticipation, and customers interaction with each other.
1. Hotel
Core Product : booked the most comfortable room, but the budget fits
Facilitating Product : have bathroom, tv, ect
Supporting Product : Aminities, gym, spa, etc
Argumented Product : Staff friendly and worked quickly
2. Airline
- Ground Service : service performed before boarding the plane or still at the airport
- In Flight Service :service performed during flight or on airplane
Facilitating Product : ticket booking, comfrotable seat
Supporting Product : seat availability
Argumented Product : Staff friendly and worked quickly
Product Lice Cycle (PLC)
The product life cycle is an important concept in marketing. It describes the stages a product goes through from when it was first thought of until it finally is removed from the market. Not all products reach this final stage. Some continue to grow and others rise and fall.
The concept of product life cycle can be utilized by managers in order to understand the dynamics of products and markets. The real benefits may vary depending on the decision-making situation. As a planning tool, product life cycle concepts can help clarify marketing challenges at every stage and alternative strategies that companies can use. As a control tool, this concept helps companies compare comparisons with similar production in the past.
In fact, the pattern of the product life cycle is always changing, as it is difficult to suspect the length of a stage and managers themselves often can not ascertain at what stage their products are currently located. A product may seem to reach the stage of adulthood, whereas it only reaches a horizontal moment at a temporary growth stage before the second curve rises. The lifecycle pattern is a marketing strategy tool, not like the natural and definite life cycle of the organism. The lifecycle pattern is the result of various marketing strategies that have been determined by the company.
What are the main stages of the product life cycle?
The main stages of the product life cycle are:
- Introduction – researching, developing and then launching the product
- Growth – when sales are increasing at their fastest rate
- Maturity – sales are near their highest, but the rate of growth is slowing down, e.g. new competitors in market or saturation
- Decline – final stage of the cycle, when sales begin to fall
This can be illustrated by looking at the sales during the time period of the product.
Extending the Product Life Cycle
What can businesses do to extend the product life cycle?
- Extension strategies extend the life of the product before it goes into decline. Again businesses use marketing techniques to improve sales. Examples of the techniques are:
- Advertising – try to gain a new audience or remind the current audience
- Price reduction – more attractive to customers
- Adding value – add new features to the current product, e.g. improving the specifications on a smartphone
- Explore new markets – selling the product into new geographical areas or creating a version targeted at different segments
- New packaging – brightening up old packaging or subtle changes
Product Life Cycle Examples
It’s possible to provide examples of various products to illustrate the different stages of the product life cycle more clearly. Here is the example of watching recorded television and the various stages of each method:
- Introduction – 3D TVs
- Growth – Blueray discs/DVR
- Maturity – DVD
- Decline – Video cassette
The idea of the product life cycle has been around for some time, and it is an important principle manufacturers need to understand in order to make a profit and stay in business.
However, the key to successful manufacturing is not just understanding this life cycle, but also proactively managing products throughout their lifetime, applying the appropriate resources and sales and marketing strategies, depending on what stage products are at in the cycle.
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